Disney as Doorway to Apologetic Dialogue
Jeremy E. Scarbrough
with Pat Sawyer
"Disney as Doorway to Apologetic Dialogue is a great example of cultural apologetics done well. We need more deep-dive theological analyses of Hollywood—resources that go beyond superficial readings and model substantive, layered engagement with an eye toward common grace engagement rather than critical dismissal. This scholarly, insightful book is a fantastic resource for both students and creators of pop culture."
—Brett McCracken, senior editor, The Gospel Coalition, author of The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World
"As a parent of four school-age children who have grown up with Disney, this fascinating book helped me more deeply appreciate the themes of virtue, justice, love, and sacrifice that permeate the Disney canon. Good stories move us because they point to a greater story. This volume is an excellent way to start conversations about our longing for a perfect kingdom, for true beauty, and for the ultimate conquest of good over evil."
—Dr. Neil Shenvi, Author of Why Believe? A Reasoned Approach to Christianity
This work begins with an exploration of Disney’s seeming moral meta-narrative and argues that Disney’s vision of ethics and the kingdom-ever-after often aligns strikingly with the Christian vision of reality. It concludes with a philosophical investigation into the nature of justice and questions of social goodness. The book is divided into three parts, progressing from a discussion of goodness exemplified in Disney stories, to beauty inferred, to the consideration of how this points to an expectation of the Kingdom, and finally to a dialogue on the nature of the justice anticipated in light of our longing for such a Kingdom. Part one sets the academic tone and apologetic significance of our approach—though the work proceeds at more of a high popular rather than high academic level of writing, as this book is written as much for the lay reader and student of apologetics as it is for the interdisciplinary scholar and seasoned apologist. Part two explores moral motifs and theologically rich symbolism recurrent in Disney narratives. Here we draw out key strands of Disney’s moral meta-narrative viewed through the lens of Christian theology. Part three is more philosophical, with Disney films functioning less as the object of study and more as applications of argumentation, as stories are able to awaken, more powerfully than propositions, certain convictions within us.