Table of Contents
Volume I:
Part I: Prolegomenon
1. Faith and Fantasy
Intertwining Ethics, Aesthetics, Theology, and Pop Culture
Two Foundational Assumptions
2. Walt Disney’s Moral Influences and the Moral Power of a Disney Story
Walt Disney
Walt’s Moral Influences
Aesthetic Criticisms
Disney Stories as Doorway to Apologetic Dialogue
Part II: Disney’s Moral Meta-narrative and Recurrent Theological Imagery
3. Kingdoms in the Making and Diamonds in the Rough
Normative Ethical Theory: An Introductory Overview
Disney's Virtue Motif
4. Kingdom-Oriented Archetypes in Disney’s Moral Canon
The Power of Archetype and Disney’s Kingdom-Oriented Eschatology
Kingdom Theology and Disney’s Store of Theological Symbols
The Great Theo-Drama: A Princess, a Curse, a Prince, and a Dragon
5. Imagining the Kingdom: Archetypes of Beauty and the Moral Magic of Aesthetic Allure
Beholding the Beautiful
Archetypes of Nobility
Love and Virtue
6. An Archetypal (Christian?) Ethics and the Kingdom-Ever-After
Double Danger
The Archetypal Inspiration in Disney’s Background Moral Imaginary
7. True Love and the Ever-After: The Kingdom Come
Goodness Beyond Justice
Part III: Disney as Doorway to Dialogue: On Justice and Social Goodness
8. Injustice: Everywhere but Within
9. Delimitations, Definitions, and Descriptive/Prescriptive Distinctions
Aesthetic Appreciation and Cultural Critique: Two Paradigms
10. The Materialist Backdrop
11. Critical Theory and the Conceptual Foundations of the Critical Social Justice Movement
Critical Social Justice (CSJ)
12. Clarity, Charity, and Disney’s Ability to Mediate the Dialogue
The Value of Gaining Perspective and the Point of Pondering Standpoint
Points of Agreement
Perspectival Dialectics
The Power and the Problem of Perspective
Why We Don’t Talk About Bruno
13. On Justice: God Help the Outcast
Grounding Justice
Natural Moral Law
The Imago
Justice as Telos
Injustice Lies Within
14. Goodness Beyond Just-ness
The Social Impact of Sin and the Call of the Kingdom-Ever-After
Disney Lore as Doorway to Dialogue
Rescue, Redemption, and Restoration
15. Liberated to Love Goodness
Separating Social “Justice” from Social Gospel
Liberation as Reorientation of Conscience: Reclaiming the Grand Narrative
Volume II:
Overview of Chapters
Part I: Imaginative and Aesthetic Apologetics: Disney’s Moral Magic and Narrative Power
1. Imagination, the Incarnation, and the Moral Power of Storytelling
Holly Ordway
2. Disney’s Live-Action Animated Musical: A “Satisfactual” Glimpse of Transcendence
Joel W. Paulus
3. Beauty and the Beat
Doug Powell
4. The Moral Magic of a Disney Musical
Jeremy E. Scarbrough and D.J. Culp Jr.
5. Nostalgic Deliberation and the Moral Imagination: Music’s Referential Power
Jeremy E. Scarbrough
Part II: Questions of Theology & Moral Formation Within Disney Stories
6. Marionettes, Moral Excellence, and Characters Worth Imitating
Shawn White
7. The Pretty Princess: Disney’s Theology of Becoming Beautiful
Miguel Benitez Jr.
8. The Lost Princess: The Theological Anthropology of Disney’s Tangled
Timothy E. G. Bartel
9. I Am Moana: MacIntyre’s Virtue Theory and the Reality of Animated Morality
Sean C. Hadley
10. The Bare Necessities of Augustinian Virtue
Eric Williamson and Russell Clayton
11. Sin, Salvation, and the Human Condition in Pinocchio
Paul Miles
12. On Becoming a Real Boy: Conscience and the Formation of Character
Mark D. Linville
13. Cosmology and Natural Law in Disney’s Hercules
John L. Weitzel
14. Have Courage and Be Kind: Cinderella and the Problem of Evil
Lori A. Peters
15. A Kierkegaardian Reading of The Lion King: Simba Becomes a Person
Josh Herring
16. Christian Hospitality in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: Two Perspectives
Zachary D. Schmoll and Neal Foster
17. Faith, Hope, and the Human Condition in Raya and the Last Dragon
Jeremy E. Scarbrough
About the Authors and Contributing Authors